Drop Shipping – Difference Between Drop Shipping Service and Drop Ship Supplier

After reading the title of the article the first question that will come to the readers mind is that aren’t these two things the same? The answer is no. There is a lot of difference between drop ship service and drop ship supplier which will be discussed in this article.

Drop shipping

A major distinguishing characteristic between drop ship service and supplier is that the service does not stock any products. You can think of this service just like an online business which is not responsible for storing and packaging the product. It is only responsible for providing services to its customers.

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When a drop ship service is used there are four parties involved. The customer, the seller, the drop shipping company and the supplier. The customer orders the product from you and pays you for the product. You order the product from the shipping company which ship suppliers dumai in turn orders the product from the supplier. This supplier could be a manufacture or a wholesale seller.

When it comes to the suppliers there are only three parties involved. You may have already guessed who they are but I am still going to tell you. The customer orders the product from the seller, when the seller gets paid he orders the product from the supplier who ships the product to the required customer. Over here, the supplier is not only offering the services ship suppliers bontang of transporting the product to the customer but is also responsible for storing and packaging the products as well.

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There is no need to use the drop ship service, you can directly go the supplier but the problem is not every supplier is into shipping service and it may prove very hard to locate them. For this reason drop shipping companies operate as a separate business which provides shipping services to its customers. There is a draw back involved ship suppliers cigading which is the high cost. Since there is another party in the transaction every one will markup each product in order to make a profit.

Hence, this is the difference between a drop ship service and a drop ship supplier. Pick any method you want as long as it meets your requirements.